Sharp notation, Windows 10 MIDI, “Simple” labels, AVI export, and more!
- Sheet music now always appears sharp, regardless of size.
- Windows 10 MIDI support: lower latency synth and Bluetooth MIDI!
- Support for “The ONE Smart Keyboard” key lights on iPad and Android.
- New “Simple” labels mode that shows C, D, E, etc. on white keys only.
- Windows version of the Video Creator now lets you export AVI files.
- And 20+ more features and bug fixes.
Sharp notation, Windows 10 MIDI, “Simple” labels, AVI export, and more!
- Sheet music now always appears sharp, regardless of size.
- Windows 10 MIDI support: lower latency synth and Bluetooth MIDI!
- Support for “The ONE Smart Keyboard” key lights on iPad and Android.
- New “Simple” labels mode that shows C, D, E, etc. on white keys only.
- Windows version of the Video Creator now lets you export AVI files.
- And 20+ more features and bug fixes.
Synthesia 10.2 adds new conveniences and smooths a few rough edges!
- Unlock Synthesia for Android using your key from the desktop version!
- Discover our how-to guides using Synthesia’s new help buttons.
- Try even more songs in trial mode.
- Read the larger key and note labels more easily.
- Toggle loops on/off with the “/” key.
- Set your zoom level to “Custom”, then match the screen to your keyboard.
- Install more easily on Windows in a single click.
- Enjoy 48 more improvements and fixes!
Synthesia 10.5.481 Full Version Free Download
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