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Videohive – Transitions V2 – 22527100

Videohive – Transitions V2 – 22527100

This Asset we are sharing with you the Videohive – Transitions V2 – 22527100 free download links. On our website, you will find lots of premium assets free like Free Courses, Photoshop Mockups, Lightroom Preset, Photoshop Actions, Brushes & Gradient, Videohive After Effect Templates, Fonts, Luts, Sounds, 3d models, Plugins, and much more. is a free graphics content provider website that helps beginner graphic designers as well as freelancers who can’t afford high-cost courses and other things.

File Name: Videohive – Transitions V2 – 22527100
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File Size : 1.9GB
Publisher: videohive
Updated and Published: May 17, 2022
Product Details

New Update – Seamless Transitions V2.0 is Available Now!

Easily make your next video more dynamic and exciting by using these seamless multipurpose and trendy transitions. Simply click on the transition preset you like and let the MYFX Extension do its magic in a single click!

Transitions also work with Adobe Premiere Pro via After Effects, using Adobe Dynamic Link. An in-depth video tutorial on how to use them in Premiere Pro is also included.


1600+ Seamless Transitions100+ Sound FXPremiere Pro Support (Dynamic Link)Easy to Use (One-Click Method)Target ControlColor & FX Controls 100% After EffectsResponsive Design (Up to 4K)No Plugins RequiredCompatible: AE CS6+Customer SupportFree Updates
300 Seamless Transitions          650 Slideshow Transitions170 Glitch Transitions210 Split Transitions 100 Bokeh Transitions40 Fade Transitions48 Brush Transitions20 Ink Transitions

Color & FX Controls

Each transition has its unique Easy FX & Color Controler. You can easily modify each transition in a matter of seconds, even if you’re a beginner in After Effects! Video tutorial is also provided with the project, it will walk you through each element of easy controls.

Premiere Pro Support

It is now possible to use these seamless transitions in Premiere Pro via After Effects using Adobe Dynamic Link. In this workflow, you will need to have both After Effects and Premiere Pro. Video Tutorial on how to use transitions in Premiere is also provided with the project.

Supported Resolutions

Seamless Transitions Template offers a support for any resolution up to 4K. All the transitions are resizable so they will work flawlessly with any aspect ratio such as portrait 9:16, landscape 3:2, square 1:1 or any other size. Resolution Changer Script file is also provided with the project, which makes it super easy to change resolution for all the transition presets in a matter of seconds.

Technical Requirements

MYFX Extension, requires After Effects CC2015 13.0 and higher – Watch hereWithout MYFX Extension, requires After Effects CS6 or higher – Watch hereYou can use project in Premiere Pro, using Dynamic Link – Watch How

Online Video Tutorials

There are in-depth and subtitled video tutorials available on Youtube. Click here to check them out and see how transitions work, how you can modify them, change their resolution and more..

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