Now Reading: Colorist Factory – Colorist Foundry – FilmForever Power Grades + Power Curves v2 + Ultimate Colorist Toolkit v3 Free Download

Colorist Factory – Colorist Foundry – FilmForever Power Grades + Power Curves v2 + Ultimate Colorist Toolkit v3 Free Download

Colorist Factory – Colorist Foundry – FilmForever Power Grades + Power Curves v2 + Ultimate Colorist Toolkit v3 Free Download

Colorist Factory – Colorist Foundry – FilmForever Power Grades + Power Curves v2 + Ultimate Colorist Toolkit v3 Free Download

Colorist Factory – Colorist Foundry – FilmForever Power Grades + Power Curves v2 + Ultimate Colorist Toolkit v3 Free Download

Film Emulation
Power Grade

Inspiration & Motive

The majority of films made on film up to this point have been reprinted on a very particular film stock before being released. The 2383 Kodak Stock is used to print all of the films shown in the following illustration. All three images, while displaying a distinct mood (in terms of color), have the general appearance and features of Kodak 2383 Print Film Stock, despite the fact that they were taken at separate times. In the course of dissecting the appearance, we not only looked at the film stock samples, but we also looked at all of the films printed on 2383 Stock with great attention to detail.

What is Print Film
Emulation LUT (PFE)?

Print Film LUT simulates the post-print appearance of your image before it’s actually printed on a target film material. Before printing, you can see an almost accurate representation of the film’s density and color response on your grading monitor. Applying a print LUT is one of the best and easiest ways to get a film-like appearance in digital footage. Color correcting and all the essential processes will still be necessary, but the results will be far more impressive and complex than any color-grading LUT you’ve ever used.

We’ve taken a step further by reworking the Print LUT into a 2383 Print Film Davinci Resolve Power Grade. It’s fully editable and offers a more powerful palette for your creative vision.

Why FilmForver™ Power
Grades over LUTs?

On December of last year, we began working on the project in order to provide the most technically advanced yet adaptable 2383 emulation. For our customers and their clients, it should make the entire film seem more attainable. As a result of this, you’ll have the greatest amount of leeway for future creativeadditions to the look.

FilmForever Power Grades, unlike most aggressive power grades, are clean and use as few tools as possible to achieve a well-baked appearance. Not every filmmaker wants strong film-like hues, so we created Emulations to fill that creative void. Using FilmForever has the ultimate advantage of being built from scratch, allowing you to add or remove Print Film qualities from our Power Grades as needed.

Who are
these for?

FilmForever is for colorists, filmmakers, and creators who love shooting on film. Sometimes you shoot on digital and want to match your grade with your film project. But surely such a product renders more than just matching up color grades. The next section explores all the creative possibilities while working with FilmForever™ Film Emulation Kit.

Creative Looks using
FilmForever™ Emulations

Everyone is chasing a “Cinematic” image. But the word “cinematic” has lost its meaning over time. After years of technical analysis and thousands of color grading forums, we’ve managed to define “Cinematic” in a practically achievable way. In very general terminology, “Cinematic image” is an image having key visual qualities consistent with printed film. Why printed film? Because for decades this was the primary medium for consuming cinema. The aesthetic of “film” is inevitably linked to our collective recognizable palette for movies and thus to our idea of “Cinematic”.

Check out a couple of stills from our recent projects utilizing the FilmForever™ Power Grades. Every footage was digitally captured.

Inspired Power
Curves Vol. 2

A new frontier in Color Grading for Premiere Pro & FCPx Filmmakers

What is Power Curves Color Grading?

Power Curves are a set of Industry inspired color Grades, masterfully recreated using native tools of popular editing platforms: Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and Davinci Resolve. Power Curves are crafted keeping in mind the color limitation of Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro.

Power Curves install as normal presets, but their application goes beyond to offer much wide flexibility for novice to veteran filmmakers. Let’s take a look at a quick trailer showcasing our brand new Power Curves and walk through the basic steps of integrating Power Curves into our post-production workflow.

How is a Power Curves different from LUT?

Power Curves – are not LUTs. LUT’s offer a flat color conversion utility. Which works best if the purpose of a LUT is pre-defined. For example, LUTs in our colorist toolkit offer specific results, given they are applied on specific shots. But that is not the case with Power Curves.

The ultimate utility lies in our Masterfully Crafted Grades. Multiple minor adjustments, added sequentially to render an overall Powerful and Intelligent Color Grade. Giving ultimate flexibility to the end-user and saving hours of post-production time, no matter if it’s a commercial film or a feature-length film!

What’s included in the package?

Colorist Factory’s Power Curves package offers 12 Academy-Inspired color grades. These grades introduce an eye-pleasing color shift, without breaking the color fidelity of an image. Over time you will understand the way Power Curves behaves with your footage, and you will be creating complex color grades, in no time.

Current Power Curve offers the following 12 (+1) Grades, compatible across Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, and Davinci Resolve:

  • Runner
  • Stalker
  • Orion
  • Akira
  • Darwin
  • Dwarka
  • Eleven
  • Icarus
  • Vayu
  • Adam
  • Neptune
  • Polaris
  • Acrux (Bonus)

Power Curve Manual

While all the Power Curves are really simple to use, a couple of power curves are a bit different when it comes to their application. Out of 12 Power Curves, 3 are based on Abstract Color Palette, while the rest 9 are based on cinematic Color Palette. Following Power Curves are based on the abstract color palette. You can check out Power Curves Abstract Manual before trying out Power Curves.

Ultimate Colorist
Vol. 3

Stress-tested, tone-perfected Time-Based LUTs and Power Grades for Colorists and Filmmakers.

Inspiration & Motive

The majority of films made on film up to this point have been reprinted on a very particular film stock before being released. The 2383 Kodak Stock is used to print all of the films shown in the following illustration. All three images, while displaying a distinct mood (in terms of color), have the general appearance and features of Kodak 2383 Print Film Stock, despite the fact that they were taken at separate times. In the course of dissecting the appearance, we not only looked at the film stock samples, but we also looked at all of the films printed on 2383 Stock with great attention to detail.

What are time-based LUTs?

The “time-based” image processing algorithm underpins the 108 LUTs included in Ultimate Colorist Toolkit 3.0 (UCT). Our proprietary information-processing algorithm deeply understands Recursive real-world film patterns. Our LUTs have been methodically constructed into four unique categories based on the patterns. No matter how little experience you have with color grading, UCT is likely to provide you with a substantial boost in productivity.

Our primary LUTs are divided into four categories: Sunlight, Sundown, Dusk, and inside. Kodak and Fuji Film Negative LUTs, 3 Powerful Davinci Resolve Power Grades, and Minimal LUTs are two new categories in version 3.0, which expands our current offering. As an added bonus, the Film Textures Pack Upgrade is included as well.

What distinguishes these?

LUTs, which are tossed around in the name of “cinematic,” are made by grading a single shot and applying them to another shot. This implies that if you try to apply it to a new shot, it’s not a stretch to believe that you’ll fail to get that “cinematic” aesthetic. As a result, we developed LUTS that are dependant on the time of day.

Our assumption is straightforward: the detail distribution of daylight pictures, evening shots, and night shots remains consistently homogenous over a wide range of cameras, locations, and budgets, respectively. Using this basic reasoning, we split LUTs into four groups based on the time of day: Sunlight LUTs, Sundown LUTs, Dusk LUTs, and Lucent LUTs. Lucent LUTs are crafted for scenes shot under artificial lighting.

What’s new in
Vol. 3?

In order to make sense of FilmForever’s large number of Power Grades, let’s take a closer look at what’s offered. There are four grade styles at the primary level: 2383 Rebuild, 2383 Creative, 2383 3-Strip, and 2383 Technical. Let’s examine each style in further detail.

LUT Refine and Stress Test

This is by far the simplest re-build of the 2383 LUT. A really robust starting point if you are aiming for a minimal grade with minimal effort. You can manipulate the 2383 core grade itself to your liking within the building blocks of the Power Grade.

New “Contemporary Tonal” LUTs

This grade is the same as the base “2383 Rebuild” along with a “creative” node in the initial blocks. This node shifts the entire palette to a much more modern-minimal film color palette.

Kodak & Fujifilm LUTs from Vol. 2

Kodak & Fujifilm Film Negative LUTs from last year’s 2021 kit have now been upgraded to be used with Film Print Emulation Kit, FilmForever™, while still offering the native film palettes for standard Rec 709 footages.

Film Textures from 2021

4K 8mm, 16mm, 35mm & 8K 35mm, premium film grain textures .mov files made by capturing original film stocks on high-end cameras and remastered to be used digitally. This was added in 2021, volume 2, and has been carried onto volume 3.

Colorist Factory – Colorist Foundry – FilmForever Power Grades + Power Curves v2 + Ultimate Colorist Toolkit v3 Free Download

FilmForever™ v2 + Colorist Toolkit v3 + Power Curves by Colorist Factory (now Colorist Foundry)

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    Colorist Factory – Colorist Foundry – FilmForever Power Grades + Power Curves v2 + Ultimate Colorist Toolkit v3 Free Download