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Videohive Minimal Infographics ToolKit 34487333

Videohive Minimal Infographics ToolKit 34487333

This Asset we are sharing with you the Videohive Minimal Infographics ToolKit 34487333 free download links. On our website, you will find lots of premium assets free like Free Courses, Photoshop Mockups, Lightroom Preset, Photoshop Actions, Brushes & Gradient, Videohive After Effect Templates, Fonts, Luts, Sounds, 3d models, Plugins, and much more. is a free graphics content provider website that helps beginner graphic designers as well as freelancers who can’t afford high-cost courses and other things.

File Name: Videohive Minimal Infographics ToolKit 34487333
Content Source: N/A
File Size : 53MB
Publisher: videohive
Updated and Published: January 07, 2022
Product Details

Videohive Minimal Infographics ToolKit 34487333 — Free download

Infographics ToolKit for After Effects, featuring different and highly customizable chart styles, including: bar, column, line, area, circle, pie, radial, triangle, timeline, and Maps. Like in the included promo video, create different designs by using simple AE controls. Perfect for corporate videos, for a conference or forum, presenting company statistics and projections. Perfect for Social Media and Web / YouTube video reviews and benchmark comparisons, for showcasing article data and illustrating findings from scientific studies, and more.
Template features 180 World Maps and Continents, all in vector/AE shape format. You can also import your own Map, or replace with any other element, icon, logo, text, anything that can serve as a matte for the Chart.

DOWNLOAD LINK: Videohive Minimal Infographics ToolKit 34487333

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