Now Reading: Videohive Ultimate Logo Reveal with 200+ Animated Icons 10086653

Videohive Ultimate Logo Reveal with 200+ Animated Icons 10086653

Videohive Ultimate Logo Reveal with 200+ Animated Icons 10086653

Download Videohive Ultimate Logo Reveal with 200+ Animated Icons 10086653 in one single click, On our website, you will find free many premium assets like Free Courses, Photoshop Mockups, Lightroom Preset, Photoshop Actions, Brushes & Gradient, Videohive After Effect Templates, Fonts, Luts, Sounds, 3d models, Plugins, and much more. is a free graphics content provider website that helps beginner graphic designers as well as freelancers who can’t afford high-cost courses and other things.

File Name: Videohive Ultimate Logo Reveal with 200+ Animated Icons 10086653
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File Size : 50MB
Publisher: videohive
Updated and Published: September 17, 2023
Product Details

The animated icons can be used for a custom logo reveal or other projects.
Creating a custom scene with your chosen icons is not difficult even if you do not have much experience in After Effects.
The video tutorial and the HTML documentation are designed to help users with any level of After Effects experience.

Many icons have special controls. For example there are checkboxes to enable ringing animation or web browsing animation on the Smartphone icon.
There are easy-to-use sliders for controlling how far the icons are pushed by the logo, how big they are, how much rotation is applied to them throughout the animation, etc.
The project works with any shape of your logo, including a rectangular one. There is a control letting you push certain icons to the sides a little bit more so that your rectangular logo is fully visible.
The animation of the logo (text appearing from behind the logo) is automatic too, only a couple of sliders need to be adjusted to accommodate for the different shapes of logos.

DOWNLOAD LINK: Videohive Ultimate Logo Reveal with 200+ Animated Icons 10086653


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